A lip piercing is like a unique signature on the canvas of your face. It’s a form of self-expression and a bold way to communicate your style. If you’re curious about the different lip piercings out there, you’ve come to the right corner of the internet.
In this article, we’ll explore 22 types of lip piercings and the different jewelry options that go with them. We’ll also detail the pain level of each piercing, how long they take to heal, and how much it costs to get them.
Whether you’re here to choose a lip piercing or check out lip piercing jewelry, there’s something waiting for you in this article. We’re opening you up to the fantastic new world of lip piercings. Sit tight and enjoy!
What is lip piercing?

A lip piercing is any hole on the lips where a piercing jewelry sits. Many people get one (or more) to adorn their lips and give off an edgy charm.
22 Most popular lip piercings

We’ve summarized important information about the piercings in this table for easy access.
There are many types of lip piercings, but we’ll stick with the most popular ones in this article.
Here’s something to note before we begin: Lip piercings can be single, double, or quadruple. They’re also categorized based on position. For example, we have bottom lip piercings, top lip piercings, middle lip piercings, and side lip piercings.
Now, let’s get to the specifics — here’s our list of lip piercings!
1. Labret piercings

A labret piercing sits under the lower lip center, above the chin. It’s a single lip piercing. To create this piercing, a piercer will insert a cannula needle beneath the lower lip and then fix the piercing jewelry (usually a labret stud). After healing, you can wear horseshoes, lip rings, or hoops on your labret piercing.
This piercing takes two to three months to heal. The pain level ranks at four out of ten (so not too painful). Depending on the piercing studio, you can get a labret piercing done for $35 to $90. Labret piercings are fine for both males and females. However, they can cause gum or tooth damage if things go awry.
2. Monroe piercings

A Monroe piercing is a single lip piercing that sits above the left side of the upper lip. This piercing is named after Marilyn Monroe, who had a beauty mark around this spot. The Monroe piercing has a low pain level of 4 out of 10. Healing is no big deal either; full healing takes one to three months. Labret studs are the typical jewelry for this piercing.
You should budget $50-$80 for a Monroe piercing (but keep in mind, it may cost more depending on your jewelry and studio choice). Monroe piercings are more common for ladies, but guys can try them too! This piercing’s placement allows the jewelry to rub against the upper gum, so there’s the risk of gum damage.
3. Jestrum piercing

A jestrum piercing is also called a vertical philtrum or vertical medusa piercing. It enters through the middle part of the upper lip (exactly below the septum) and comes out under the lip. A piercer will vertically insert a hollow needle through the piercing spot and fix the jewelry, usually a curved barbell. Although it has two visible ends, a jestrum piercing is a single lip piercing.
This piercing costs about $25-$60 and takes two to three months to heal. For pain level, you can expect a 5 out of 10. Jestrum piercings have a thing with accentuating the lips, so it’s best for females. The most likely risks are rejection, embedding, and gum/teeth wear. Jestrum piercings do not sit inside the mouth, so food remnants are less likely to get stuck and cause infections.
4. Medusa piercing

A medusa (or philtrum) piercing sits in the middle of your upper lip, right below the septum. To achieve this piercing, a piercer will insert a cannula needle in your medusa and then pass in the jewelry. Unlike the jestrum piercing, a medusa piercing has one visible end (it’s a single piercing too). You’ll find labret studs on most medusa piercings.
The pain level here is slightly higher — six out of ten. The price is between $40 to $90. If your piercer gets it right without complications, a medusa piercing will heal between three to four months. Like most lip piercings, medusa piercings can cause teeth and gum damage. Both males and females can rock this piercing.
5. Madonna piercing

Shift a Monroe to the right, and you’ll have a Madonna piercing! This single lip piercing sits above the right side of the upper lip. A piercer will insert the cannula needle from the front and slot in a labret stud (the typical jewelry for Madonna piercings).
Madonna piercings hurt just as much as Monroe piercings (4 on a scale of 1-10) and take about the same time to heal (one to three months). You should budget about $60 for your piercing. This piercing rubs against your gum, so it may cause gum recession. We found more pictures of Madonna piercings on ladies, but they look great on guys, too.
6. Ashley piercing

An Ashley piercing is a single lip piercing that goes through the center of the lower lip and exits inside the mouth. People also call it the “inverse vertical labret” piercing. Labret or flat back studs are the usual jewelry for this piercing.
Ashley piercings have an average pain level of 5. They cost about $40-$80 and take two to four months to heal. Keep in mind that Ashley piercings may embed, become infected, or cause teeth and gum damage. They are worn by both men and women.
7. Side labret piercing

This piercing sits under the left or right side of the lower lip. It’s basically a labret piercing to the side. You can adorn this single lip piercing with labret studs, horseshoes, and lip rings. The pain level is a four out of ten, and healing takes two to three weeks. Most piercing studios charge the same amount for labret and side labret piercings, so expect to spend between $35 and $90.
The piercing process starts in front of your lip and goes out at the back of the mouth. Because the jewelry rubs on your gum, this piercing may cause oral damage. It could also get infected by food remnants. Men and women can wear side labret piercings.
8. Vertical labret piercing

This stylish piercing goes vertically through the lower lip, with one end of the jewelry on the lip and the other under the lip. It creates a double piercing illusion, but it’s a single lip piercing. The vertical labret (or angel kiss) piercing involves puncturing through your lower lip, so it hurts slightly more. Not to worry, though, most people still rate the pain level as a five out of ten.
Healing takes the usual two to three months, and the cost is between $35-$90. You can wear different jewelry — labret studs, curved barbells, lip rings, or lip hoops — on a vertical labret piercing. And you can flaunt it whether you’re male or female. Like other labret piercings, an angel kiss piercing can cause teeth or gum damage.
9. Horizontal lip piercing

This is the opposite of the vertical labret piercing. It goes horizontally through the lower lip, with two visible ends aligning on an “x-axis.” People also call it the horizontal labret piercing. It hurts and costs as much as the vertical lip piercing — five out of ten and $35-$90. It also takes two to three months to heal. Curved barbells are the usual jewelry for this single lip piercing.
A downside to this piercing is that it rejects very often (rejection is when your skin pushes out a piercing jewelry). There’s almost nothing you can do about that; you’ll have to let go of your piercing. It can also leave a long-lasting scar after rejection. Both guys and ladies can wear a horizontal lip piercing.
10. Snake bites piercing

A snake bites piercing is a double lip piercing that involves puncturing each end of the lower lip. Each piercing sits slightly below the lower lip. A snake bites piercing is not as painful as it looks; it’s a five out of ten on the pain scale. Piercers charge between $60-$120 for it. Two punctures will be healing at once, so prepare to give it three to five months.
Curved barbells are the most common jewelry options for snake bites, but you can also wear lip rings, hoops, or studs. A snake bites piercing is for those who want an edgy vibe, whether they are guys or ladies. However, they are prone to tooth/gum damage and infections.
11. Angel bites piercing

Place a snake bite on the upper lip, and you’ll have an angel bites piercing. It consists of two side piercings (so it’s a double lip piercing) slightly above the upper lip. What can you expect during the piercing process? A piercer will mark the piercing spots, clamp your upper lip, pierce with a cannula needle, and slot in a labret stud. Some people wear lip rings or curved barbells on their angel bites piercing after it heals.
The major risk with this piercing is the usual dental damage. An angel bites piercing costs $60-120, takes three to five months to heal, and hurts midway on a scale of 1-10. Guys and ladies are free to wear this piercing.
12. Dolphin bites piercing

A dolphin bites piercing is a double lip piercing consisting of two punctures in the middle of the lower lip. A piercer will mark two spots under your lip and ensure they are equally apart from the center. Then, they’ll puncture the spots and put a labret stud in each hole. The pain ranks five out of ten, while healing takes three to five months. You’ll need $50-$120 to get a dolphin bite piercing.
Remember that without proper care, this piercing can become infected or reject. Dolphin bites piercings can also cause teeth and gum recession. This piercing is not gender-picky; it looks good on guys and ladies.
13. Cyber bites piercing

A cyber bites piercing is a chic combination of the medusa and labret piercing. It involves perforating the middle part of the upper and lower lip. Both men and women can rock this piercing. Like most double lip piercings, a cyber bite piercing has a pain rating of five out of ten. Labret studs are the typical jewelry option for this piercing.
A cyber bites piercing will heal around two to three months with proper aftercare. Without good care, you’ll be at a higher risk of infection, rejection, and scarring. Cyber bites piercings cost between $50-$100.
14. Shark bites piercing

Have you been looking forward to quadruple lip piercings? A shark bites piercing is one! It consists of four piercings, two on each side of the bottom lip. You can style this piercing with hoops, rings, or curved barbells. You’ll be getting four piercings at once, so prepare to pay between $80-$120. This piercing requires extra care and heals in three to six months.
For the pain, expect a six out of ten. It gets more painful after each piercing, and you’ll have to take four shots simultaneously. Your piercer may suggest taking two piercings first and the other two after a week. Shark bites piercings are for both guys and ladies. Remember that they are prone to infections and can also cause gum damage.
15. Spider bites piercing

A spider bites piercing is half of a shark bite. It’s a double lip piercing with two piercings on one side of the lower lip. People wear rings, hoops, studs, or curved barbells on this piercing. Most people with spider bites piercings say it didn’t hurt much, so we’ll rate the pain at four out of ten. This piercing heals between one to three months.
How much should you budget? Anything between $25-$80 is a reasonable price. We found pictures of guys and ladies rocking this piercing, so it’s for both genders. The spider bite piercing is also at risk of complications like infection, scarring, and rejection.
16. Canine bites piercing

The canine (or K9) piercing combines angel bites and snake bites piercings. It means you have a quadruple piercing, one on each end of both lips. To achieve it, a piercer has to mark the piercing spots, clamp the first lip, pierce both ends and do the same for the other lip. Prepare to pay about $70 for all that work.
Canine piercings take approximately two to three months to heal. In terms of pain, expect a five or six out of ten. Once healed, you can wear flat back studs, curved barbells, horseshoes, or rings on a canine piercing. You can even switch things up and wear a mix of rings and studs. Canine piercings can get infected or ruin your the teeth/gum, so be careful where you get it done. Both guys and ladies can wear this piercing.
17. Lip frenulum piercing (Frowny piercing)

A frowny piercing is a single lip piercing that goes through the frenulum, the delicate web between your teeth and lower lip. This piercing is very risky; it is rejected easily and can ruin the teeth and gum. Be sure to use an experienced, professional piercer. The piercing process involves perforating the frenulum with a cannula needle and inserting a curved barbell.
Frowny piercings hurt at a four out of ten and heal within one or two months. They cost between $30-$70. They aren’t obvious (people won’t see it unless you open your mouth), and any gender can wear them. After healing, you can wear curved barbells, horseshoes, captive bead rings, or seamless hoops on a frowny piercing.
18. Lip frenulum piercing (Smiley piercing)

A smiley piercing is a single lip piercing that goes through your upper frenulum. It’s another high-risk piercing that can cause tooth and gum wear. The piercing process is similar to a frowny piercing, only this time, your piercer will pull down and pierce your upper lip.
A smiley piercing’s pain level is about four out of ten, and it takes one or two months to heal. You can get one for $30-$70. The smiley piercing is a male and female lip piercing that you can style with curved barbells, horseshoes, or captive bead rings.
19. Dahlia piercing

The dahlia piercing (or dahlia bites or joker piercing) is a double lip piercing consisting of one piercing on each lip corner. After marking the piercing spots, a piercer will slot in a stud through a cannula needle. Labret studs are the typical jewelry for this piercing.
Dahlia piercings don’t hurt much; only four out of ten on the pain scale. They take two to three months to heal, although some people said theirs didn’t heal until after a year. Dahlia piercings are prone to trauma from snagging, tooth or gum damage, and rejection. The piercing usually costs about $70 and is great for both males and females.
20. Cheek piercings

A cheek (or dimple) piercing sits a bit farther from the mouth corners, around the typical dimple spot. It’s a double lip piercing with one hole per side. Labret studs are the perfect jewelry to accessorize this pretty piercing.
Getting a cheek piercing doesn’t hurt much (pain ranks four out of ten). The main issue is the healing, which may take up to six months.
Cheek piercings often cause scarring, leaving a visible mark on your face. They’re also prone to snagging and swelling. Cheek piercings cost about $40-$90. They are ideal for both guys and ladies.
21. Lowbret piercing

A lowbret piercing is a single lip piercing that sits below the middle of the bottom lip. That sounds like a labret piercing, but the difference is that a lowbret piercing is closer to the chin (it sits as close as your anatomy allows).
Lowbret piercings are similar to labret piercings in pain level, healing time, and cost. They rank at 4/10 on the pain scale, take two to three months to heal, and cost about $35-$90. They are fine for men and women and are best styled with labret studs. Lowbret piercings are prone to infections, rejection, and teeth or gum damage.
22. Vertical lowbret piercing

This piercing enters between the bottom lip and the teeth and exits close to the jawline. It is a unique single lip piercing that requires experienced hands. You can’t wear just any jewelry on it; you need a barbell that’s about 1.5″ long.
Like lowbret piercings, vertical lowbret piercings cost between $35-$90, take two to three months to heal, and rank at five on a pain scale of one to ten. They can cause teeth/gum recession or serious damage to the mouth cavity. Vertical lowbret piercings look great on both guys and ladies.
What is the least painful lip piercing?
The labret piercing is the least painful lip piercing. It enters below the lip and exits inside the mouth, without going through your lip like the horizontal labret piercing. Plus, it’s a single lip piercing. This labret stud from us looks great on labret piercings.
What is the most popular lip piercing?
The labret piercing is also the most popular lip piercing. It’s so famous that the typical jewelry for lip piercings is called “labret stud.” Also, there are over 295K posts on labret piercings on Instagram.
Here’s another lovely stud for labret piercings.
What to Know Before Getting a Lip Piercing
Now that you know the different lip piercing types, here are essential things to know before getting any lip piercing.
1. Are lip piercings safe?
Lip piercings have risks, so they’re not entirely hitch-free. They can cause teeth/gum damage, get infected, leave a scar, or even reject. But then, there are no piercings without risks, and it’s up to you to decide if lip piercings are worth a try.
2. How painful are lip piercings?
Lip piercings have a pain level of three to six out of ten, depending on the exact lip piercing type. They are more painful than lobe piercings but hurt less than cartilage piercings.
3. How much do lip piercings cost?
Lip piercings cost between $25-$120, depending on the exact lip piercing type.
4. Where can I get a lip piercing?
You should get a lip piercing at a professional studio only. You can find one in your area by searching “lip piercings near me.” For lip jewelry, ensure it’s from a trusted manufacturer and wholesaler who uses quality materials.
5. What is a lip piercing process like?
When you walk into a lip piercing studio, here’s what you can expect:
- The piercer will mark your to-be-pierced spots with a safe marker. They may ask you to check and confirm if that’s the spot(s) you want.
- Then, the piercer will clamp the appropriate lip to allow easy access.
- You’ll feel a sharp pain as they insert a hollow needle to pierce the marked spot.
- Then, the piercer will attach the jewelry to the needle and pull it to fix the jewelry inside the hole.
- Finally, they’ll secure the jewelry (that is, fix the top to the labret stud).
Lip Piercing Aftercare and Healing
Proper aftercare ensures that your lip piercing heals smoothly. Here’s what to know.
1. Immediate Aftercare
Try not to talk, eat, or touch your lip piercing for the first few hours. Avoid any contact with the piercing.
2. Long-term Care
Your lip piercing will take months to heal, and you must care for it.
Here are a few tips:
- Use a nonalcoholic mouthwash after each meal.
- Clean the outside of the piercing with saline solution twice or thrice daily.
- Always brush or floss gently.
- Avoid touching the piercing as much as possible.
- Keep chemicals (makeup, face creams, or perfumes) away from the piercing.
3. Signs of Infected Lip Piercings and What to Do
A lip piercing is infected if it:
- swells up and hurts badly;
- produces white or colored pus;
- bleeds excessively and;
- makes you feel sick.
If you notice these signs, see a doctor or go back to your piercer as soon as possible. In the meantime, placing a warm towel on the piercing can help manage the pain.
Exploring Lip Piercing Jewelry Choices
Now, it’s time to explore and choose the best jewelry for a lip piercing. Two things should guide your decision — the jewelry size and type.
1. Choose By The Size of Piercing Jewelry
Piercing jewelry comes in different sizes or gauges. But the ideal lip jewelry sizes are 16 gauge (1.6mm) or 18 gauge (1.2mm). Your jewelry choice has to be within that range.
2. Choose By The Type of Piercing Jewelry
Labret studs, barbells, horseshoes, hoops, and lip rings are suitable jewelry for lip piercings. The initial piercing jewelry will usually be a stud; you can change to other types after it heals.
Your exact lip piercing type will determine which jewelry you can wear. For example, labret studs are great for Monroe piercings, while curved barbells go well on jestrum piercings.
Bold, Versatile, and Stylish
Lip piercings are versatile, with so many options to choose from. We hope our guide helped you find a lip piercing in your style!
When you finally get your lip piercing, remember to give it the proper aftercare it deserves. Then, you can proudly flaunt your piercing, whether it’s a subtle Monroe piercing or a gutsy shark bites piercing.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Still have questions? We’ve answered the most common questions below!
It’s up to personal preferences and, sometimes, lip anatomy. By exploring the different lip piercings above and checking with a piercer, you can find what works for you. However, the labret piercing is the most popular and least painful lip piercing, so if pain is a big deciding factor for you, you can go for a good old labret!
No, kissing can infect your lip piercing. You’ll have to wait until your piercing heals completely.
For a few days, yes. Your lips will feel delicate, and you’ll have to eat more slowly. But once your piercing has healed, it doesn’t affect your eating.
Yes, lip piercings can damage the teeth and gum. It’s one of the risks of lip piercings.
Not necessarily. But if a piercer mistakenly punctures a nerve, it can cause damage — more reason why you need experienced hands.
A lip piercing symbolizes that you’re adventurous and go after the things you want, no matter what anyone thinks. It shows everyone that you’re not afraid to stand out.
Lip piercings are usually 16 gauge or 18 gauge.
You can change your lip ring when your piercing heals, usually after three months.
The only trick is to give your lip piercing proper aftercare. Then, it’ll heal as fast as it should.
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